Westercon 66 Feedback Session

At the Closing Ceremonies of Westercon 66, Co-Chairs Andy Trembley and Kevin Roche announced Westercon 66 had 767 warm bodies in attendance (badges picked up) and 883 total members of all types. After the Closing Ceremonies, they were joined by the chairs of Westercons 67 and 68, Dave Doering and Ron Oakes, for the Feedback Session, where members talked about what worked, what didn’t, and what could be done better at future Westercons.

Author: kevin.standlee

Kevin is an expert on the official rules of Westercon. He led the committee that redrafted the Westercon Bylaws in the 1990s and is effectively the primary author of the current Westercon Bylaws. Disclaimer: Kevin was Chair of Westercon 74 (Tonopah 2022).

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