Westercon 75 Site Selected: Anaheim in 2023

Westercon 75 will be held in Anaheim, California at the Clarion Hotel Anaheim Resort over the weekend of June 30-July 3, 2023. The convention’s Fantasy Writer Guest of Honor will be Gail Carriger, with additional guests to be announced later. The convention will be co-chaired by Arlene Busby and Michelle Weisblat-Dane, and the Treasurer will be Timothy Cassidy Curtis.

In 2021, no bids filed to host Westercon 75 and no site was selected by either the normal election process at Westercon 73, nor did any groups present proposals to the Westercon 73 Business Meeting held at the combined Westercon 73 / Loscon 47 in December 2021. Because of this, the 2021 Business Meeting nominally awarded Westercon 75 to a committee consisting of Kevin Standlee and Lisa Hayes, with the understanding that their committee would attempt to find a group willing to host the 75th Westercon. The “Standlee-Hayes Committee” solicited bids and discussed the situation with interested parties. After reviewing the proposal from the Anaheim group, they transferred the right to host Westercon 75 to the Anaheim committee.

The site selection voting fees collected at Westercon 73 are currently held in trust by Westercon 74. Westercon 74 will pass on the site selection fees to the Anaheim committee and will also grant $500 to Westercon 75, sharing with them the $1000 grant they received from SWOC after that group was unable to hold their originally-scheduled Westercon. All persons who voted in the 2023 site selection at Westercon 73 will receive supporting memberships in Westercon 75.

The 2023 Westercon’s website is https://westercon75.org/. Representatives of the Westercon 75 committee will be at Westercon 74 in Tonopah, Nevada over the July 1-4, 2022 weekend. Additional information including membership rates will be announced soon.

Author: kevin.standlee

Kevin is an expert on the official rules of Westercon. He led the committee that redrafted the Westercon Bylaws in the 1990s and is effectively the primary author of the current Westercon Bylaws. Disclaimer: Kevin was Chair of Westercon 74 (Tonopah 2022).