Westercon 77 to be Hosted by BayCon 2025

BayCon 2025, to be held July 4-7, 2025 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, California, will host Westercon 77, the 2025 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference.

Westercon 77/BayCon 2025 “Teaser” video

BayCon 2025: A Convenient Parallel Dimension will have Guests of Honor, J.K. Woodward, Sasha Graham, Stacy Meyn, Tracy Newby, and Catherine Mary Stewart as well as a few more in the works. This year’s theme highlights the Paranormal, Horror, and Supernatural in Speculative Fiction. There will be a continuing focus on Women/NB in STEM and keeping our initiative to elevate diverse and creative voices in our communities.

The Westercon Business Meeting of Westercon 75, held during the 2023 Loscon, established a committee charged to either find a committee to host Westercon 77 or to organize it themselves. After discussions with several individuals and groups about the matter, the “Caretaker Committee” selected BayCon to host Westercon 77.

Those persons who voted in the Westercon 77 Site Selection held at Westercon 75 will receive supporting memberships in Westercon 77/BayCon 2025, which will apply as a credit toward an attending membership in Westercon 77/BayCon 2025.

Memberships to Westercon 77/BayCon 2025 will be available at Westercon 76 at the Doubletree Hotel Salt Lake City Airport, July 4-7, 2024, and at BayCon 2024 at the Marriott Hotel, Santa Clara California, July 4-7, 2024. Additional information and online membership sales will be available at the convention website after the conclusion of BayCon 2024.

BayCon is organized by The Society for the Promotion of Speculative Fiction, California-based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Westercon is a service mark of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society licensed for use by Westercon committees under the provisions of the Westercon Bylaws.

Author: kevin.standlee

Kevin is an expert on the official rules of Westercon. He led the committee that redrafted the Westercon Bylaws in the 1990s and is effectively the primary author of the current Westercon Bylaws. Disclaimer: Kevin was Chair of Westercon 74 (Tonopah 2022).