Match Game SF Needs You

(Originally posted at

We are still apparently scheduled to do three shows of Match Game SF at this year’s Westercon in San Diego. However, a fair number of our regular panelists won’t be there this year. I’ve asked Programming to fill in the gaps, but I’ll also work with people who contact me directly.

In addition, we still need new questions. With so many games (and four questions per game), there’s a good chance we’ll be doing quite a few re-treads, which probably means it’s just as well that many of the panelists will be new ones.
Yes, you too could be a panelist (or contestant) on fandom’s wacky re-creation of the classic 1970s game show.

There will be prizes for everyone, even if it’s only a Lovely Parting Gift.

If you want to contribute a question, you can write to my LJ handle and it should get to me, or also you can write to k a standlee and add an to the end and it will also reach me. Remember that Match Game questions aren’t trivia questions with a single correct answer, but a fill-in-the-blank question with lots of possible replies, and that the object of the game is for the contestant to try and determine how the panelists filled the blank.

Author: Ron Oakes